Basic Auto Enrolment checklist

Auto Enrolment Checklist

The legislation surrounding auto enrolment can be quite tricky when faced with an over whelming set of tasks, rules, regulations and jargon it is difficult to fully understand what is expected, of you. Well here is our 9 steps DIY Auto Enrolment Checklist.

  1. Know your staging date
  2. Confirm who to contact with The Pension Regular.
  1. Initial employee assessment

4. Choose and set up a qualifying pension scheme.

This can be a mine field, so here is a list of some we have checked out:

  • People’s pension
  • NEST
  • ST James Place
  1. Work out employer/employee contributions.

The table below shows the minimum contributions for employer/employee over the next few years:

From Employer Employee
2012-March 2018* 1% 0.8%
April 2018* -March 2019 2% 2.4%
April 2019 3% 4%


  1. Link with payroll. (required/ ongoing assessment of your workforce at every pay period)
  2. Write to your staff, the Pension Regulator has some great templates.
  1. Declare your compliance (
  2. Ongoing compliance/ ensure that any eligible worker who has opted out is auto enrolled again every 3 years)