Date |
Event |
Applies to |
Business year-end |
Accounts to be prepared to this date |
Individuals, partnerships, LLPs and companies |
9 months after company year-end |
Corporation tax for the year to be paid |
Companies only |
9 months after company year-end |
Company and LLP accounts for the year to be filed with Companies House |
LLPs and companies only |
12 months after company year-end |
Company accounts for the year to be filed with HM Revenue & Customs, together with corporation tax return form CT600. |
Companies only |
Annually on anniversary of LLP or company incorporation |
Annual Return showing details of Company Directors, Secretary and Shareholders or LLP Members, to be filed with Companies House, within 28 days, together with filing fee |
LLPs and companies only |
Quarterly (unless monthly or annual accounting opted for) |
VAT Return to be filed with HM Revenue & Customs, together with VAT due |
VAT registered individuals, partnerships, LLPs and companies |
January 31st |
Tax Return for the previous year ended 5th April to be filed with the HM Revenue & Customs |
Individuals, partnerships and LLPs |
January 31st |
Balance of income tax for the previous year ended 5th April to be paid |
Individuals |
January 31st |
First income tax payment on account to be made for the current year ending 5th April, if applicable |
Individuals |
May 19th |
Employer’s PAYE return form P35 for the year ended 5th April to be filed with HM Revenue & Customs |
Individuals, partnerships, LLP and companies who pay wages or salaries |
May 31st |
Copies of forms P60 (year-end payslips) to be given to all current employees (and to any ex-employees who request them) |
Individuals, partnerships, LLPs and companies who pay wages or salaries |
July 6th |
Forms P11D (returns of benefits in kind and reimbursed expenses) for the year ended 5th April to be filed with HM Revenue & Customs |
Individuals, partnerships, LLPs and companies who provide benefits in kind or reimbursement of expenses to directors or employees |
July 6th |
Copies of forms P11D to be given to all current employees (and to any ex-employees who request them) |
Individuals, partnerships, LLPs and companies who provide benefits in kind or reimbursement of expenses to directors or employees |
July 19 |
Class 1A NI payable for the year ended 5th April based on the forms P11D (benefits in kind) |
Individuals, partnerships, LLPs and companies who provide benefits in kind to directors or employees. |
July 31st |
Second income tax payment on account to be made for the year ended 5th April, if applicable |
Individuals |
19th of each month |
PAYE and NI for the previous month to be paid to the HM Revenue & Customs |
Individuals, partnerships, LLPS and companies who pay wages or salaries |
14 days after each calendar quarter and 14 days after company year-end |
Form CT61 to be filed with the HM Revenue & Customs if any interest paid with income tax deducted at source |
Companies only |